Citizens are listed in alphabetical order according
to their first name.
Amarzil High Priestess of Sune
Angel Gabriel Minister
of the Interior
Anvil Whiteflame Armourer, Leatherworker,
Blacksmith, Bowyer, Stonemason (missing, possibly taken by Zhentarim)
Sir Basildon Stringfellow III
Ambassador of Cormyr (fled)
Belaur Elven hero of Sarbreenar
(permanent resident deceased)
Blue Archer Weapons Master
Boris the Hat The Mayor of Sarbreenar
Braneaux Le Roux (The Red) Owner
of Roux Retreat Restaurant
Branwyne Seamstress
Charles Angeles Tax Collector
Charlie Carter Merchants Guildmaster
and Transportation business
Daphne Beach Rumour monger
Delgatqe treant from the
Destiny Malachite (Captain) Merchant
Diggle (Flopsy) Constable of the
Dromm Graithkin Dwarven smith
Ellie City Herald and owner of the
Sarbreenar Sentinel
Elkar Forkbeard Innkeeper of
the Elks Roost
Estelle Adored Mistress of the
Garundias (Dropsy) Constable of
the Watch
Goblin Da Hood a strange
ally of Sarbreenar
Grella Truebright Wigmaker
at Crops and Tops
Havrak Truebright Barber
at Crops and Tops
Hawkmoon Family Elven land-owning
Huy The Philosopher (and Dance Master)
Igor The City Jailer
JaLac Mars Sarbreenars
occasional Hanging Judge. Not seen for some time.
Jillian leader and sole survivor
from the Lighstblood family
Krakov Greataxe Captain of the Axe
Laura Bequest Guard Sergeant
Lenore Greenfingers Keeper of Beluars
Lizbeth Forkbeard Alias Ebony
Landlady of the Elks Roost
The Lightsblood Family Feudal
lords of Sarbreenar (all murdered except Jillian)
Sir Mandarellan de Smythe
Commander of the New Sarbreenar Guard
Matilda Bagglehof ( Mopsy) Corporal
of the Watch
Mermedac Fur and Wine trader
Mrs Pheropcy Seer
Mythic Slightseer Advocate for the
greater understanding og magic (deceased)
Oweyn Fur
Red Valentine Valiant of Sune
Robin Guernier Ranger of the Vast
Ruff Senior barman at the Elks
Samian Ware Minister for Spiritual
Simple Simon Rood Street food
Mage of Shadows One-time occupier
of the Mages Tower (missing presumed
Tinkerbell Tenderly Chief of Sarbreenars
Inferno Regulators
Torston Holbrar Master Wheelwright
Tuppny Hapney Traitorous
Merchant of the Black Sail Company
Sharador Truesight High Warden
of Sarbreenar
Vok Zandar Overall Commander
of the New Sarbreenar Guard
Obituaries for
those slain in the assassinations of 1375DR
Full statistics for many of these citizens are available
for scenario writers.

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