The Lightsbloods of Sarbreenar
Assassinated 1375DR
Old Mage scratched his jaw thoughtfully and added, the Lightsbloods
are the lords and gentry thereabouts, betimes beridden with all
the airs of the highnoses in Cormyr, too for all that they
started as caravan-robbers and skulking brigands raiding prospectors
camps. Not that theyre particularly bad ... as nobility go.
He chuckled. Its just that I find they usually dont
go far enough, if ye take my meaning.
It came to light that Jillian,
who was serving as the barmaid at the Elks Roost is the illegitimate
daughter of Lord William Darian Lightsblood. Her half brother, Joshua
Lightstblood was brought close to death by Nemini the Deathweaver.
Nemini was Lord Lightsbloods brother who swore revenge on
him for taking the family inheritance. Lord Lightsblood was rescued
from an undead state by use of an amulet, half of which
was held by Joshua and half of which was held by Jillian.
Now the entire Lightsblood family are dead ... victims
of a wave of assassinations that swept Sarbreenar in 1375DR. Only
Jillian the illegitimate daughter of Lord Lightsblood remains alive.
She now lives in Sarbreenar and has become a charismatic leader.
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