Region around Sarbreenar is known as The Vast. Sarbreenar
is located in the mountainous south west corner, on a major trading
route between Ravens Bluff and Procampur.
The region lies south east of the heartlands of Faerun.
Only recently has the area shown signs of civilization now that
the land has been freed from the depredations of various goblinoids.
To the east the area is bordered by Thay (home
of the infamous Red Wizards), Damara, and Narfell.
The Moonsea lies to the north. The large kingdoms of Cormyr
and Sembia are just across the Dragon Reach to the
West and to the south is the pirate infested Sea of Fallen Stars.
The city of Tantras, located north of Sarbreenar,
is noted for the dead magic area that covers a large part of the
city. Other prominent cities in the area include Ravens Bluff
and Procampur (a large and prosperous city to the South).
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