City of Sarbreenar straddles the Elvenblood Pass and secures the
main trading route between Ravens Bluff to the North and Procampur
to the South. It thrives on income from the services it offers to
passing merchant caravans and exports of stone and slate from its
But recently the city has been threatened by malign forces that
have come close to destroying it. Only the resolve of its citizens
has held the forces of Evil at bay.
Life in Sarbreenar can be dangerous. If you plan to stay in the
city youd better find out a bit about it!
Maps Find your way around
the city.
History Read the bloody
history of Sarbreenar and The Vast.
Law and order Break the Law
and you will be very sorry indeed.
Religion Favoured deities
and banned heresies.
Guilds Freelancers are
not welcomed by the guilds of Sarbreenar.
Land and Property Want to
buy a property and start a business?
Businesses Businesses
sanctioned by the High Council.
Money Currency acceptable
within the city.
Trade Imports, exports,
buying and selling.
City Services For the
defence and protection of Sarbreenar.
Inns and Taverns For relaxation
and for good company.
High Council The Citys
ruling body
Citizenship examinations
Are you fit to be a citizen?

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