Illegitimate daughter of Lord Lightsblood
is the illegitimate daughter of Lord Lightsblood.
Her father was the hereditary overlord of Sarbreenar who had an
affair with a tavern girl. Jillians humble lifestyle saved
her life for the rest of her family were all assassinated in a night
of terror.
Jillian was an abandoned waif, who for many years
was brought up by Julia Dysan one of the local tavern girls.
When the horde of goblinoids overrun Sarbreenar, Julia was killed
by the first wave, after the north wall broke. Jillian lost everything
her adopted mother her home all her money.
She was left destitute and often survived by begging the streets
of Sarbreenar. Finally she managed to get employment in the Elks
Roost Tavern.
When it was discovered that she was the illegitimate
daughter of Lord Lightsblood, the family found her presence embarrassing
and never accepted her. She remained an outcast in Sarbreenar.
In 1375DR a wave of assassinations swept across the
city and the rest of her family were all slain. She escaped the
bloodshed and was left to live alone in the Lightsblood keep, outside Sarbreenar. Now she has come to live in Sarbreenar and has taken her place as a charismatic leader of the city.
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