Sir Mandarellan de Smythe
Commander of the Honest Watch
distinguished career of Sir Mandarellan de Smythe is pnctuated by
awards for bravery, heroic deeds and military honours. This young
man has risen through the ranks to command the New Sarbreenar Guard.
Some would say he has risen too far, for the Honest
Watchers, the Sentinels and the First Elven, that form the NSG,
are often in conflict and they pursue quite different roles. Added
to this, the politics of the city often obscure the real job of
maintaining the security of the citizens.
Because he comes from a well-to-do family there is
some resentment to the commander, but in fact he has earned his
command on the field of conflict. A petition was recently presented
to the High Council asking for the resignation of Sir Mndarellan
de Smythe for incompetence. No action has been taken.
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