Senior barman at the Elks Roost
Fighter/Mage (retired)
is a half elf with a good-natured, quiet temperament. He is is a
likable fellow. He has been the senior barman at the Elks
Roost since the death of his father the previous encumbrant.
Ruff is currently unmarried, and he is looking for a wife who would
like to help share the barkeeping duties with him
Looks can be very deceiving Ruff actually looks
a weed. Most people who see him dont even give
him a second look and he has often used this to his advantage when
helping drunks out of the bar. Ruff dislikes merchants as he sees
them as haggling, money pinching, buffoons. He also hates gnomes
because he always suspects they are up to no good.
Ruffs best friend is Sharador
Truesight who often comes to the Elks Roost Inn for a
cup of cider and to hear a travelling bard or two. Ruff loves to
hear the stories that Sharador the ranger tells about his travels.
Ruff is a follower of both Mystra
and Tymora.
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