History of Goblin Da Hood
by Ellie Fitz of the Sarbreenar Sentinel
is the information that I have gleaned from Maid Ikkle and Friar
Luck and the rest of Da Hoods comrades.
It started like so
The history of Sarbreenar, and its hero Beluar, is
well documented and will not be detailed here. However, the history
that is currently presented fails to mention one or two vital points
(Especially with regard to Beluars death). As he and his small
band of elven riders were travelling in what is now known as Elvenblood
Pass, they were ambushed, and killed, by an Elite unit
of Orcs.
These orcs had a number of goblin slaves, almost a
tribe in themselves, and these slaves hated their masters.
Watching the battle from afar, the goblins leader was very
impressed with the way in which Beluar and his elves fought and,
even though the battle did not go the way the goblins would have
wished (Beluar winning), it prompted them to do something that they
have previously been too scared to dorebel against their masters!
Attacking before the orcs had a chance to recover
from their battle with Beluar, the goblins, and their superior numbers,
barely but eventually won. Once this mini-battle was over the goblin
leader began searching around the battlefield. It wasnt long
before he found a book in Beluars pack. Although the goblin
leaders understanding of Common was not the best, he was able
to read and understand the majority of what was written. The book
was a story, which told of the daring exploits of an outlaw named
Robyn Hood!
Taking this book as their Hood Tome the
goblins struck out on their own and became the Merry Men, lead by
Goblyn Hood. Upon further reading of the story, the newly named
Goblyn Hood, found a reference to Robyns mentor, a person
called Herrne da Hunter. Misunderstanding the reference, Goblyn
Hood believed that Beluar was this character and, to this day, refer
to the battle as Herrnes Last Stand.
Many years have passed since the original Hood found
the Hood-Tome and none of the original members of the
tribe are still alive.
However, the legacy lives on and, with each new generation,
a new Goblyn Hood is nominated to lead the tribe. Since the days
of the original Goblyn Hood, the tribe have evolved and no longer
rob from the rich to give to the poor but merely live
off the land. Additionally, other good-natured (aligned) members
of the goblinoid races have joined the tribe over the years, giving
it a truly cosmopolitan feel.
They have a lot of respect for the Brynnwood Elves,
and this Beluar shows a lot of distinct similarities with Herne
the Hunter.
Goblyn Hood
Male goblin (4 ft 4 in tall)
Equipment: Custom Studded leather armour, Custom short sword,
Custom composite shortbow, Custom Quiver, Custom Quarterstaff
Maid Ikkle
Female half-orc (5 ft 1 in tall)
Equipment: Custom S-Club, Custom sling, bullet bag, Custom
Quarterstaff, Custom soft brown and green leather armour, but is
often seen in a dress
Ikklest Jonn
Male ogre (9 ft 8 in tall)
Equipment: Custom Greatsword, Dart Bandolin, Custom chainmail,
Custom shield, Custom FullStaff
Friar Luck
Male goblin (of Mielikki) (3 ft 1 in tall; 2 feet wide)
Equipment: Custom Dagger, Custom sling, Bullet Bag, Custom
Quarterstaff, Green & Brown Priest-like robes
Byll Scarlet
Male orc (5 ft 11 in tall)
Equipment: Custom Rapier, Custom short sword, Exquisite lute,
Custom leather armour
Mutch the Millers Son
Male goblin (2 ft 8 in tall)
Equipment: Custom Short sword, Custom light crossbow, Bolt-Quiver,
Custom leather armour
It is great pleasure that I see these new goblins,
and there assistance in the recent attack on our fair city, I think
may have been the edge we needed. I hope the City Officials look
upon these potential new allies with respect. I would also like
to see thanks given to the Brynwood Elves.
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