Matilda Bagglehof (Mopsy)
Corporal of the Honest Watchers
(or Mopsy as she prefers to be called) is a follower of Sune,
which explains a lot. She is as much of a hedonist as a dwarf might
be. This has to be the reason why she has a soft spot for what some
people call Those pesky green gobblies of Mielikki.
She was born in Ravens Bluff
to a traditional City Watch family. She knows the ways of the streets
and is not easily fazed. She left the city of her birth before the
siege began, and was grief stricken when her parents and brothers
were all killed in the defence of Ravens Bluff. She will uphold
the family honour in her chosen profession.
She is the Corporal of the Guard
in charge of protecting the Temple Gardens. While she is almost
always found in the small Temple Guardhouse when off duty (shes
close to the action in the shrine to Our Lady Firehair), she has
been known on occasion to down a barrel or two of mead at one of
the local hostelries.
This lass has the usual dwarven
fondness for the pipe of baccy.
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