Sister Elect of the Sarbreenar Chapter of Sune, Sister
of the Ruby Rose.
Speciality Priestess of Sune,
a Heartwarder
hails from Calimport in Calimshan where as a young girl she was
abducted and taken to the pleasure dens of Waterdeep for the nefarious
purposes of certain evil men. A war band from the Ruby Rose rescued
her together with many other unfortunates, and the priestesses and
priests in the Temple of Beauty in Waterdeep then brought her up
from the age of 15.
She has been appointed by her
superiors to bring the pursuit of aesthetic enjoyment to the rich,
but surely impoverished in love, citizens of Sarbreenar. She has
rented a small shrine in the Temple grounds from the Council. This
is now being decorated in that splendour that befits a building
dedicated to the Lady Firehair. The
good men and women of the town will surely pay well for the pleasures
she can provide (in aspects of dance, music, the arts and fine food,
amongst many other delights. The shrine therefore also serves as
small, and hopefully temporary, venue of pleasure known as the Haven
of 1000 Delights.
Her strong and well endowed
assistant, Red Valentine, will protect
her and the shrine against those who would take retribution against
what some poor misbegotten fools consider to be a house of ill-repute.
She is quite charmed by the
Temple complex. It is simple in design but of exceeding good taste,
with its nooks and crannies shaded by green trees and the tinkle
of water from fountain and brook. An admirable place for frolics
and flirtatious chases. There will be Grand Revels and Feasts of
Love to titillate the tastes of the mature and beautiful. But shell
have to watch out for those pesky druids who continually nag about
not stepping on the grass.
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