Red Valentine
Valiant of Sune, Protector of the Shrine of Sune
and the Haven of 1,000 Delights
as his friends and lovers call him, originally hailed from Suzail
in Cormyr. He was born with the unenviable name of Manny Dorble
to parents who were good and honest country farmers. His early life
at the farm built up his body so much so that a passing priestess
of Sune took a fancy to him.
Since then his love life has
never looked back. After two years learning the ways of Sune
with his very willing priestess mentor, he was sent to Sarbreenar,
with the priestess Amarzil, to set up
a shrine to the Lady Firehair and a venue where hedonists can pursue
their every pleasure. He is a newly appointed Brother of the Ruby
Rose and delights in writing love songs with which he can entertain
customers at the Haven of 1,000 Delights, as well as his
own paramours.
His ambition is to become a
cleric in the worship of Sune, if only he can persuade Amarzil that
he has a working mind as well as a beautiful body.
It is rumoured that he has the
vice of gambling in his blood.
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