City Herald and owner of the Sarbreenar Sentinel
is a prolific writer and publishes Sarbreenars news in a pamphlet
that she delivers, entitled The
Sarbreenar Sentinel. It is produced on a printing press
that was given to her by gnomish inventors.
Attractive, tall and elegant she must be in
her mid thirties. Ellie was widowed after the Orcish invasion. She
is a well known and well liked character in Sarbreenar. Ellie has
lived in the city for most of her life, leaving only to visit her
sister in Ravens Bluff when her sister was with child. During
this time the Orc invasion occurred, and her husband, a mayor of
Sarbreenar, was slaughtered while defending the city.
She is generally suspicious of the Mayor and the Council
and often speaks out against injustice and corruption.
She is also friends with the Hawkmoon
family, who are well known in and around the area. If there
was any harm brought to her, rest assured revenge would be swift
and painful.
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