Adored Mistress of the Ecstacies
Priestess of Sune
remarkably beautiful Estelle is the current Adored Mistress of the
Ecstacies in the Haven of 1,000 Delights attached to the Temple
of Sune. Her attractive personality has endeared her to the
citizens of the city. Estelle loves parties and celebrations and
she often takes around the loving cup. She is usually at the top
of society hostesses guests lists.
Estelle is captivated by beauty and romance. She can
sometimes be seen in the environs of Sarbreenar, standing stock
still entranced by a delightful scene.
Some of the harsher tongued wives of Sarbreenar have
been heard to pass slanderous gossip about the goings on in the
temple. No one knows anything about Estelles past but a traveller
claimed he knew her as a hostess from the notorious Three Pearls
nightclub of Waterdeep.
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