Angel Gabriel
Gabriel has recently been appointed Minister of the Interior
by the new Mayor, Boris the Hat. They have always had a special
relationship since Boris brief employment as a chef for the
As Minister of the Interior he has recruited a fine
body of experts in undercover work, distilled from a dubious organisation
known as the league of Like Minded Ladies and Gentlemen of Sarbreenar.
Some disgruntled members of the League tried to assassinate him.
Angels open, honest face serves
him well, and people are usually ready to trust him, although on
official occasions he now wears a Ministerial Hood of Office. No
longer can he be seen drinking in the Dead
Cod Piece tavern in the company of locksmiths and lowlifes.
Since becoming Minister of the Interior he fell out with the management
in a big way.
Angel used to do most of the legwork for
Charlie Carters transport business.
It was Angel who chased bill payments, arranged security
for the warehouses and entertained the caravan leaders when they
came into Sarbreenar.
Angel lives in a small, unassuming house
on Charlie Carters premises, where he worked. The outside
of this dwelling is quite unadorned but when Angel was
taken ill and he had to call on a group of adventurers to carry
him back home. They reported that the inside was a treasure house
of fine artworks and ornaments. Its no surprise to hear that
it is heavily protected with arcane and mundane security. Some people
say that Angel has an interest in the arcane arts and
dabbles in certain rituals. He is at pains to make it clear that
he is an adherent to the faith of Azuth.
Others claim he came to Sarbreenar from Waterdeep some years ago,
fleeing for his life.
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