Dead Codpiece
insalubrious inn, the Dead Codpiece is located in an unsavoury,
though generally safe, part of Sarbreenar. The proprietor, Harl
Glittergold, is a retired gnome thief who struck it lucky one
time on an expedition into the Underdark. The single gem that he
obtained as part of his cut turned out to be extremely
rare. As a consequence of the dangers he encountered on that expedition
he decided to cut his losses of any possible later discovery and
do what had, up until then, been a pipe-dream ... and open up a
bar. Next came his second piece of unbelievable luck; the Dead Frog
came onto the market, he bought it and renamed it The Dead
Codpiece. Since then, it has become a reasonably popular local
dive, particularly favoured by the shadier occupants of Sarbreenar.
While Harl himself has nothing personal against Dwarves,
many of his clients abhor them for various reasons, and so signs
are prominently displayed by the entrances that dwarves are
not welcome.

There is a small bar, which on ordinary days
and nights, is used only by small private groups or
as an overflow when the main bar fills. The fire is lit only on
cold nights as the smallness of the room means that it can quickly
get rather hot. However, on every fourth night of each Tenday, from
about 8.30 in the evening the room is taken over by the local bards
both professional and the rank amateur though occasionally
proper well-known professionals make a guest appearance.
Most people use the main bar, but on busy nights, the small
bar quickly comes into use. Again, it can be used as an area with
a certain degree of privacy on normal occasions.
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Special entertainment can occur once every Tenday.
This varies from one occasion to another but is generally lewd,
tacky, usually at least mildly pornographic and definitely not
the place to bring a well brought up paladin of squeamish or straight
disposition! Indeed any female dwarf that enters alone may never
be seen again!
Try a game of chance?
Right now!
The landlord is always behind the bar, and he has up to three
helpers assisting him. They may be human, gnome, half-elf and,
occasionally, halfling.
Drinks available are
Hamish McTavishs Most Potent Stout (4.5%) @ 3cp
Silverfellows Cider (12.5%) @ 4cp
The Keepers Traditional @ 4cp (3.2%)
Wiggledance Gnomish Ale (8.4%) @ 1sp
Low-grade wines and spirits@ 1gp per bottle
Also on sale at lunch time only
Eel pie @1sp, Rabbit pie @ 9cp
the house speciality: Chicken Ariadne @ 1sp+3cp Chicken breast
wrapped in bacon rashers with dried apricot between, as a sandwich.
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