Fur trapper
IS a small dapper, dark man in his late twenties. He is quick and
neat in his movements, and although he dresses for the wilderness
still looks the city dweller he once was. Appearances are deceptive
however, and he is now truly at home in the wilderness
Oweyn was born and brought up near Neverwinter on
the Sword Coast. He learned his trade as a rogue in the city of
Neverwinter, where he lived until he was 18. At that time he fell
foul of the local rulers and decided to leave town. He caught a
boat to Procampur, and tried to settle there. The rigid system of
Procampur did not suit him, and anyway, he got into trouble there
even faster than he did in Neverwinter, so he was soon on the run
again, this time into the hinterland of the Vast.
For the last nine years Oweyn has made his living
as a fur trapper in the highlands North of Procampur. Rather than
attempt to sell his furs in Procampur or Ravens Bluff he found an
outlet through Mermedac and Branwyne
in Sarbreenar. They take his furs on a regular basis, provide him
with a bed while he is in the city, and provide the friendship that
his life in the hills cannot.
For the last three years Oweyns friendship with
Branwyne has been more than Mermedac would consider proper. She
has joined him many times in the loft above the fur barn, where
he sleeps when he visits Sarbreenar. As far as they know Mermedac
is unaware of this. Oweyn has hankerings to leave his wandering
life and settle down again in a town or better still a city, but
knows that this would have to be somewhere larger than Sarbreenar.
He also knows that Branwyne will not leave Mermedac, and at present
would not wish to settle without her.
Oweyn has no criminal record in Sarbreenar. He hones
his skills that are better suited to the wilderness after
all, giant weasels may not have pockets, but once trapped their
white winter furs are a profitable trade in themselves.
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