Fur and Wine trader
is a short, solid man in his early fifties, with a slightly greying
beard. He generally seems open and approachable, but is a shrewd
businessman behind the beard. He drinks a fair amount, and this
shows in his florid complexion, and his build. He does not look
after himself very well, despite chivvying from his wife.
Mermedac was born in Ravens Bluff, where he grew up
in a small trading family. He lived there, with his first wife,
until she was killed six years ago by a fireball, just outside the
city walls, misdirected in a duel between two mages. Sick of the
over-abundance of magic in that city he fled to the countryside,
settling in Sarbreenar, where he set up a fur trading business.
He was cheered in his grief by Branwyne,
then working as a barmaid, and taking in work as a seamstress. They
married within the year, their difference in age exciting some comments,
and have been together since then.
Mermedac buys his furs from a number of trappers,
but does not restrict himself to his regular suppliers. If you have
furs to sell, and either visit his store, or mention this in any
of the inns or taverns of Sarbreenar, he will welcome your trade.
He is well known in the inns and taverns, and makes sure that any
staff who pass on details of people with furs to trade are rewarded
Mermedac no longer takes his wagon of furs to Ravens
Bluff in person, instead he employs commercial drovers. Although
this may reduce the profits slightly, it avoids him having to see
the site of his first wife's death. He attempts to run a wagon each
month to Ravens Bluff, carrying in furs, and the fur-lined outfits
Branwyne makes, and bringing back wines bought from his family there.
These he supplies to the inns and taverns, not selling directly
to the public.
When Mermedac gets to trust fur trappers he allows
them to sleep for a night or two in a loft above the barn where
he stores and sorts his furs. Neither he nor his wife provide food
or any more than water to drink but neither do they charge,
and a free bed is still a free bed. The loft is large enough for
two or three to sleep in but any more would find it very
Mermedac usually sleeps apart from Branwyne, as he
snores loudly due to the ale he drinks keeping in touch with the
landlords of the inns and taverns of Sarbreenar. There is some gossip
in the town about Oweyn and Branwyne, but
Mermedac doesnt seem to have heard it. He is delighted to
know that Branwyne is expecting a child long after he had
given up hope of one.
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