Overall Commander of the New Sarbreenar Guard
Priest of Tempus
ZANDAR militant priest, warrior
and zealot has
a reputation for straight talking and no compromise. He is a stalwart
defender of the Right and Might of Sarbreenar.
Vok comes from the City of Tantras
where he was trained by High Battle Master, Thiotarumbarton. He
came to Sarbreenar to help rebuild the Temple of Tempus after Sarbreenar
was all but destroyed by a goblinoid horde. Vok
Zandar soon rose to a position of authority and respect. He fought
with a fury and an intensity inspired by Tempus, at the Battle for
Sarbreenar 1373DR.
In 1375DR, when
he was under guard against assassination he disdained all help and
shut himself in a room with his attackers. Fearing for his life
the bodyguards tried to break in to the small room but found that
the door had mysteriously stuck while Vok questioned
his attackers. There were no survivors.
Following the assassinations
of that Night of Terror, he has taken overall command of the New
Sarbreenar Guard and has done his best to instil discipline and
training into the three arms of the service.
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