Simple Simon Rood
SIMON ROOD is a large, gravel-voiced man with an elaborate waxed
moustache (that he twiddles) and dark eyes. He dresses
in eye-blinding motley, a wide-brimmed hat with multi-coloured feathers,
and knee-high boots. He always carries a cutlass and has two throwing
knives in the top of his boots.
Simple Simon is rumoured to be an ex-pirate, formerly
a member of the crew of the Fanged Lady, a galley commanded by the
infamous buccaneer Ozman Jacks. They say it was during his pirate
days that he learned to cook salmagundi, a popular pirate vittle.
The story goes that Simple Simon retired from piracy some five years
ago with a comfortable amount of booty. He acquired this old-age
pension by convincing his shipmates to maroon Ozman Jacks
and the few men loyal to him. Ozmans treasure was then split
among the crew and Simple Simon left the Fanged lady at his first
opportunity, determined to put his pirating days behind him. He
began his business simply for the fun of it, and has no wish to
ever return to sea.
One of Simple Simons friends is Captain Destiny
Malachite, and the two often meet in the Sailors Rest for
some reminiscing and a cup of grog. Simple Simon seems to know a
great deal about illegal activities in the City, but as far as anyone
knows he never takes part in any himself. He might be a good source
of information, though the incentive to reveal anything would have
to be good.
Simple Simon is very content with his life and avoids
trouble. Nevertheless, he is could be a mean man in a fight, being
very strong and familiar with combat to the death.
Skeebo spider monkey
Skeebo is Simple Simons pet and constant companion.
He usually sits atop Simple Simons shoulder. Any attack on
Simple Simon would cause Skeebo to assault the attacker with all
the strength in his tiny body, clawing and biting savagely. Likewise,
anyone who harms Skeebo would quickly find himself transfixed by
several inches of Simple Simons steel.
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