Krakov Greataxe
Sergeant at Arms
is a young dwarf with a full black beard, often decorated with beads
and semi-precious gemstones, which is a symbol of status among his
clan people, who dwell far to the east and possess a peculiar dialect.
Krakovs own dialect has softened, over the few years he has
spent in Sarbreenar. He originally arrived in Sarbreenar looking
for clues to the Realm of Glimmering Swords an ancient
Dwarven kingdom, that once ruled the Vast.
He made Sarbreenar (itself an old Dwarfish word meaning
of Sabreen) his base of operations just before the Orc
horde struck. The giants with the orcs made short work of the walls
and towers and one had advanced deep into the city with his band
of orcs trailing behind looting and killing everything in their
path. A frightened group of citizens were trying to escape the carnage
via one of the closed side gates. When a giant spotted them. It
smiled a mirthless smile and strolled over. Two surviving members
of the Militia tried to stand in its way hoping to keep it distracted
long enough to allow the people to flee. Then suddenly a screaming
figure hurled itself out of a side alley, whirling a bright axe
above its head. His whole body swung with the axe as he dashed
by the giants ankle and disappeared into the opposite alley,
leaving a crimson wake hanging in the air. The giant let out a monstrous
scream and fell, clutching his ripped tendon, all thought of human
blood banished from his mind.
The orcs unnerved by the fall of their champion looked
dumbly on while the citizens opened the gates and made good their
escape, along with the young dwarf and his freshly baptised Dwarven
Axe (a gift from Anvil Whiteflame). Thus Krakov saved a number of
Sarbreenar citizens and later helped to rebuild the city with his
stonemasonry skills, as well as promoting the idea of cutting a
channel around the walls to act as a natural moat. (Incidentally
drying out a number of wet streets by redirecting the natural water
flow). He also stood as a candidate for Deputy Mayor but eventually
put his backing behind the successful candidate.
When the position of Captain of the Guard came
up, he was offered the post and he readily agreed. Seeing this as
a great honour and a chance to make a real difference in the protection
of the struggling city.
In the past two years, Krakov has rebuilt the 1st
Light, and managed his brewing/stonemasonry business partnership
with Anvil Whiteflame. These days you would
find Krakov dividing his time between brewing his famous Krakovs
Firewater from the local kouva root and clean mountain spring water,
and working in his office at the barracks. You may find him drinking
in the Elks Roost; where
he leads the occasional sing-a-long, overseeing the continuing wall
works or on missions for the council.
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