The Blue Archer
Issardos opened a weapons academy some two years before
the Goblin invasion took place. He arrived (on foot) at Sarbreenar
and was seen by a number of residents around the town. Eventually,
he found the owner of a site to the South of town about an hour
or sos ride away and bought the land. He then proceeded to
hire artisans (mostly Dwarves and Gnomes from the mining enclave
and High Haspur) to construct the academy itself. Both deals were
paid for in silver coins of an unknown type. The old Sage
of the City verified the coins as being virtually pure silver, but
no one could identify their source.
The Academy initially specialised in teaching archery.
However, within a year, several more teachers arrived and the school
started teaching a wider range of weapons skills. It used to cover
archery, sword play, daggers (and other throwing weapons), blunt
weapons (staff, mace, etc), and polearms. The training given to
students was effective and thorough but it was still in its infancy
and was unable to help as effectively as they wanted to when the
Goblins invaded. The school was beginning to attract students from
a wide area (including some from Arbonne). The Academy was virtually
untouched during the fighting.
Since the invasion, the Master has taken in a number
of orphans male and female, all below the age of ten. The
reputation of the school was diminished slightly, hence Issardos
wanting to recruit from orphans, and start again... The youngsters
can occasionally be seen around town dressed in dark blue tunic
and trous. The tunic is belted by a red cord. On the breast of the
tunic, barely visible, is a silver eight-pointed star surmounted
by what appears to be a runic character. The children will not talk
about the Academy they will only say that Issardos is a master
The Master always wears a dark blue hooded cloak over a black tunic/trous.
The hood of the cloak is always up and his face is always in shadows.
On the breast of the tunic is an embroidered silver eight pointed
star (hollow) superimposed on the centre of which is a silver rune
(of unknown type). It has been noted that Issardos always wears
thin leather gloves. He is very soft spoken, and always moves extremely
silently, although when the situation demands it, he has been seen
to be very capable of moving very fast indeed.
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