groups of men and elves allied themselves with the dwarves of King
Tuirs fading kingdom in their battles against the orcs.
One of these was the renowned
elven warrior, named Beluar. Beluars most famous victory
over the orcs had come at Viperstongue Ford, where his forces had
routed the orcs, pursuing them north into a rugged line of hills
southwest of Kurth, and thence north along the road as far as Maskyrs
Eye, where Beluar himself slew the last of the orcs on the road
outside the town smithy. The hills west of the road, between Kurth
and Maskyrs Eye, are sometimes called Beluars Hunt.
There is an inn of that name in Kurth, and the rival Rolling Heads
Inn at the other end of the same town is also named for the routed
In the centre of Sarbreenar,
opposite the horse pond, stands a grassy mound. On top of it is
a great obelisk, covered in Elvish carvings, built to commemorate
the death of Beluar. He and his small band of elven riders perished
in an orcish ambush in the mountain pass north of Sarbreenar, known
ever since as Elvenblood Pass. Some folks say that the birds
that persist in fluttering around the skypointing obelisk are the
ghostly hauntings of the elven warriors.
Now the obelisk has been shattered
by the deviltry of demon-summoning Drow sorcerors ... and the birds
no longer fly ...
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