Basilican Beluar
Basilican Beluar Mercurus
was the son of the human Brion Beluar Mercurus and the
half elf Leda Lightfoot. He was brought up to love magic
and on the 5th day of Ches, 1367 DR, he underwent his
initiation into the priesthood of Mystra with the traditional
Starflight Ceremony
Soon afterwards, he
came to the city of Sarbreenar to pay his respects at
the grave of the fallen elven hero, Beluar, for whom he
was named. Sarbreenar was
being rebuilt after being overrun by Orcs and other Goblin
kind. With a combination of flair, charm and good luck
he was appointed to the position of Minister for Spiritual
Affairs with a seat on the Council.
He was a hero of the
Battle for Sarbreenar when Nemini and Dark Omen laid siege
to the city. He never quite recovered from the wounds
he took that day. He went on to bring magical aid to the
heroes who slew Nemini and rescued Angkar, Sarbreenars
dragon ally. This drained his life energies so far that
he has never really recovered. He went before his time.
He will be sadly missed.
His old friend Angel Gabriel

Gordon Hoakes
Gordon will be sorely missed by all his business associates,
debtors and creditors. It is ironic that both he and his
great business rival, Jasmina Blue, should be snuffed
out by the same fell blow. It was always rumoured that
he suffered at Jasminas hands and bore bitter resentment
to her. In turn it was rumoured that this was caused by
her bitterness that he was father to her first child.
But that is all past now and no one will ever know.
Gordon will be remembered for helping Sarbreenar to rise
to become a major merchantile power in The Vast, dominating
the trade routes between Ravens Bluff and Procampur.
The Council of Ten

Jasmina Blue
Jasmina Blue, beloved citizen of Sarbreenar and the owner
of Blue Silks Trading Coaster was laid to rest today in
the crypts under the temple of Kelemvor. Jasmina is survived
by her sons Luke and Mark who will be taken in by the
city until relatives can be found.
Jasmina was known for her incredible business sense,
second only to her love for her children. Jasminas
journey in life from slave to businesswoman should be
a shining example to all, that you can accomplish anything
in life, regardless of your beginnings. She will be missed.

a tribute
My friends, it is with sadness that I pen these words,
a poor tribute to a great man of peace.
Malidopholous (sometimes known as Bald Mal) was more,
much more than a simple gardener.
He was deeply religious, holding the tenets of Mielikki
close to his heart and will be missed not just by myself
but by all the students that worked under him.
He will be especially missed by Delgatqa, who as
a treant will mourn his friend for the rest of his own
The Sarbreenar grove will be a much sadder place without
our friend Malidopholous.
Lenore Greenfingers

a tribute
The death of Baron Huss of Xorhun has affected Sarbreenar
greatly. No longer will Sarbreenar have its hand forced
into helping out a City against our will. We will be free
to choose our allies and our friends with greater care.
Baron Huss was a brave soul, bearer of many burdens and
responsibilities and it is a sad loss for Lady Alvesta
to have to bear. In this time of grief our thoughts naturally
turn to our own but in this moment, I ask you to spare
some time for the widow Alvesta.
Our thoughts are with you.

Sarbreenar will mourn the security it found in the knowledge
that Sebastian Fastes locks, bolts and traps guarded
its doors. I know no greater craftsman. He pit no trust
in magic, he relied in oiled springs and eager levers.
The S.F. mark on his locks was a deterrent in itself.
In happier days he and I would spend hours in the Deadcodpiece
discussing tumblers and combinations over a pint or three
of Wiggledance. He was a good friend and an inspiration
to craftsmen everywhere.
From his old comrade Angel Gabriel

Never was one half-orc missed by so many.
Mavros was a fighter, right from the day he was born.
An orphan, he was brought up in the Temple of Kossuth
and was groomed from an early age to revere the Firelord
and to channel his strength into everything he did.
Never known for his intelligence, his agility and
true strength was quickly picked up and his interests
were channelled elsewhere; the acolytes soon discovering
his ability with the spiked chain. His home was destroyed
by a volcano at the age of 14, and he decided to take
his skills where he felt he could do the most good.
Keen to spread what he had learnt from the temple,
he set out to take word of Kossuth to others in his
own inimitable way. Leaving his homeland he made for
Sarbreenar, with a sorceress in tow. His charm quickly
captivated the citizens, rising to the office of Town
Crier when Samian Ware departed the city. He joined
CoSL to fight for his new home, one of which he was
fiercely proud. He fought at both the battle of Xorhun,
and at the final defeat of Nemini, but he was perhaps
most proud of saving the elven twins from Brynwood.
His brief life was eventful, and he brought much happiness
to those who knew him.
A friend to many, Mavros will be missed by all who
knew him. He leaves behind many who grieve his passing,
and an ever growing family of rabbits, now residing
in the Temple of Torm.

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