the Hat Mayor
the Hat is one of Sarbreenars most recognisable citizens thanks
to his penchant for wearing Red forester style hats
with Blue feathers in them. Standing 6 feet tall Boris is never
seen without his rat encrusted staff, a mighty weapon known to have
several magical properties, which took him a year to piece together.
He wears Elven chainmail of the highest quality, a gift from the
Brynwood Elves for deeds done and a pair of magical boots that enhance
his speed.
He is the owner of HATTERS messenger service, Sarbreenars fleet
footed messengers who were wiped out during the battle of Sarbreenar
in 1372DR.He is also the proud owner of The Merchants Arms, a tavern
located in the north east of Sarbreenar. It was awarded to him by
the grateful citizens of Xorhun for his valour and bravery in the
defence of Xorhun where he single handedly slew a Dragon and seconds
later defeated a Bebilith in one on one combat.
He is also the slayer of Nemini Deathweaver (twice), Sarbreenars
Most Villainous enemy.
Standing 6 feet tall Boris is never seen without his rat encrusted
staff, a mighty weapon known to have several magical properties,
which took him a year to piece together. He wears Elven chainmail
of the highest quality, a gift from the Brynwood Elves for deeds
done and a pair of magical boots that enhance his speed.
A former adventurer and member of the noted adventuring group CoSL,
Boris has retired from that part of his life to concentrate on running
the City.
His knowledge of Sarbreenar is second to none, which some say has
helped him become the richest citizen, although others say he gained
his immense wealth through other more dubious methods.
He is married to Precious, an Ogress from the Grubb tribe and resides
in his palatial mansion, Chapeliers.
He has risen from the humble post
of Chef to the Sarbreenar Guard, through a meteoric career as an
entrepreneur, to become the Mayor of Sarbreenar.
Few surviving guardsmen will remember his delicious
spicy recipes. That is all in the past. As an adventurer and member
of the noted adventuring group CoSL. He quickly came to the defence
of Sarbreenar during the dark days when Nemini and Dark Omen threatened
its existence and he was instrumental in bringing about their downfall.
But for many citizens he is best known for his skill
in finding the right buyer for the right merchandise and arranging
a price that is mutually acceptable. In doing so, he has become
a very rich man. He has build a mansion named Chapeliers
where he still resides. Boris started the well known messenger company
Hatters,. Sarbreenars
fleet-footed messengers who were wiped out during the battle of
Sarbreenar in 1372DR.
Boris has always been generous to his home city and
early on he donated a fountain to Sarbreenar and more recently he
has donated funds towards a hospital. He has often been the man
to step forward and pay for the resurrection of his friends.
(Sometimes more than once!)
Following the long-delayed Mayoral
Elections, JaLac Mars was ousted and Boris was elected as
the new Mayor.
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