Garundias Taterpeeler (aka Dropsy)
Constable of the Watch of Sarbreenar
has lived in the local area all his life. He remembers the Time
of Troubles and the mayhem caused by the gods walking the earth.
He is a follower of the god Wonderbringer,
and is of a new breed of young gnome that is interested in craft
and artifice. He is looking for a position as an apprentice to a
mighty wizard so as to quench his thirst for knowledge of widget
making and other such gnomish pursuits. Unfortunately he is somewhat
lacking in concentration and tends to fall asleep at the drop of
a zzzzz zzzz. There he goes again! It could also be due to his fondness
for a glass or six of wine with each of his many daily meals. Yes,
he likes his food too much, as well.
He is one of the two constables
guarding the Temple grounds and lives in the guardhouse there with
Mopsy and Flopsy.
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