Sarbreenar Sentinel
Sarbreenar Sentinel is published by Ellie
the official herald of the City of Sarbreenar. She prints this outspoken
broadsheet in defiance of bureaucracy and and hypocrisy. It is produced
on a printing press that was given to her by gnomish inventors.
It is a new model of the tried and trusted Idleburk Press. The text
is handset from wooden type blocks. She and her assistants can be
heard discussing arcane subjects such as leading, picas, ems and
ens. The Head Typesetter is a gnome named Lowercase. His elder brother
operates the press and is named Uppercase.
Ellie is in her mid thirties. She is attractive, tall
and elegant. Ellie was widowed after the Orcish invasion. She didnt
like Leb Thackar , the last
mayor. (There was some suspicion that his incompetence got her husband
killed.) She is even less happy with JaLac
Mars, the current mayor, because she believes he has not reformed
from his days as a mercenary and thief.
She has lived in the city for most of her life, leaving
only to visit her sister in Ravens Bluff when her sister was
with child. Sadly, during this time the Orc invasion occurred, and
her husband, the former mayor of Sarbreenar, was slaughtered while
defending the city.
She is a well known and well liked character in Sarbreenar.
She is good friends with the Hawkmoon
family, who are well known in and around the area. If there
was any harm brought to her, rest assured revenge would be swift
and painful.
Proprietor: Ellie
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