Elf In Armour at High Haspur
HASPUR is the site of an excellent inn, the Elf in Armour
run by the Morninglight family.
The Elfin Armour at High Haspur is named after the
elven warrior Beluar, who
aided the dwarves of Tuirs fading kingdom in their battles
against the orcs. Beluar and his small band of elven riders perished
in an orc ambush in the mountain pass south of Ravens Bluff, known
ever since as Elvenblood Pass. Beluar is buried in the city of
Sarbreenar just south of that pass. From there, the High Trail
runs south to High Haspur, where it forks to run straight south
to Procampur, and to run southeast toward Tsurlagol, and a junction
with the main North Road.
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