following crimes against the public wellbeing have specific definitions
within Sarbreenar.
A breach of the allegiance between the citizen and the Lord of Sarbreenar,
by way of attempting to encompass the death of the Lord, an immediate
member of his family or a member of the Council; or by way of an
unlawful communication with an enemy of Sarbreenar.
Murder: A premeditated
and unlawful homicide with malice aforethought, of any person whether
citizen or authorised visitor. That is, where death is caused, either
temporarily or permanently, by an unlawful act done with the intention
to cause death or bodily harm, or which is commonly known to be
likely to cause death or bodily harm.
High Murder: This
is where the murder involves the death of our Lord, a member of
his immediate family, a member of the Council or Guard, or of an
emissary from a foreign state or clan. Jurisdiction is anywhere
within the known or unknown realms. A bounty may be
set for the return of the miscreant alive or dead.
Low Murder: An
unlawful homicide where malice and premeditation is replaced by
a reckless disregard for another persons wellbeing.
Abduction: The
unlawful taking away or detention of a person against their will
or that of their legal guardian.
Arson: The malicious
firing of a house or other building belonging to another.
Sexual intercourse with another person without their consent.
Unlawful fighting or display of force which is to the terror of
the citizenry present.
An unwarranted demand of another person by the use of menaces.
Slave Trading:
The application of unlawful servitude to another person whether
or not for gain.
The obtaining of a material advantage by deceit.
Theft, felony:
The dishonest taking of anothers property without their valid
consent, where the value is 1,000 gp or more.
Theft, petty:
As above where the value is less than 1,000 gp.
Fencing of stolen goods:
The dishonest handling of property which has been stolen by another.
Battery: The unlawful
striking of another person which causes actual harm. The protection
of oneself may be a defence.
The unlawful and habitual maintenance of feuds and quarrels.
the Peace: Any breach of the Citys peace
as may from time to time be deemed by way of a Order in Council
to be an affront to the dignity of the citizenry.
Furious and Wanton Riding:
The unlawful and reckless riding of any mode of transportation within
the City limits, to the distress of the citizenry or authorised
The unlawful use of magical or innate powers to turn a citizen or
authorised visitor into frog spawn, or other such transformations,
without their valid consent.
Harmful Magic: The unlawful use of magical or
innate powers to cause destruction, damage, dismay or despondency
to another person without their valid consent.
Magical Influence: The unlawful use of magical
or innate powers to influence another without their valid consent.
Unlicensed Monster:
The unlawful bringing of unlicensed monsters (a list of which can
be obtained from the Watch) within the City limits. Permits can
be obtained from the duly authorised representatives of the Council.
The possession of other dangerous but mundane creatures is governed
by other offences such as Blemishing the Peace.
Justice for All Promulgated by Order of our
Lord and the High Council
of punishments
Manifest of Crimes and Appropriate Punishments

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