Vast in human hands
came by ship from the crowded southern lands around The Sea of Fallen
Stars, and began to settle south of the Fire River.
weakened dwarves retreated east and oversea southwards. Tuir was
the last Deep King to claim the surface lands or even to be known
of there. If an organised dwarven kingdom still exists in the area,
it must be deep and quiet indeed.
Humans spread rapidly across
the Vast, often clashing with orcs and the wild creatures of the
mountains, mostly leucrotta and trolls, who had grown numerous preying
upon wounded and dead dwarves and orcs all across the war-torn land.
Men cleared land for farms, collecting fieldstone into low walls
and building good roads. Adventuring bands built themselves small
keeps, and collected shield taxes from nearby farmers
in return for a promise of protection against attack. Such defence
(usually against orcs, trolls, and brigands) came by means of mounted
warriors, bolstered by a minor battle-mage and a cleric of Tempus
or Helm, but usually came too late.
In the small hamlet of Sarbreenar
the Lightsblood family established themselves as the local lords
and built themselves a fortified manor near the ruins of the old
dwarvish watchtower that guarded the pass through the mountains.
They were little more than robber barons but the sheep farmers and
quarry workers in the area chose to accept their leadership against
raiding orcs and trolls.
Next The Time of
Glorious Fools

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