Time of Glorious Fools
as one elven writer of the time put it, breed almost as recklessly
as the burners [orcs]. Their swelling numbers, aided by immigration
as much as by birth, soon pushed the former inhabitants and predators
of The Vast back into the mountains and wilder foothills. There
seemed a higher number of those who cheerfully seek out adventure
among men than among the other races, too. Bards of The Vast sometimes
call this The Time of Glorious Fools, after the many
adventurers who took on hopeless odds and, astonishingly, won almost
as often as they perished.
As soon as good roads linked
Mulmaster on the Moonsea and Procampur and Tsurlagol on the Inner
Sea to the rest of The Vast, and several years of bountiful harvests
followed, human rule of The Vast was assured. The ports of Calaunt,
Tantras, and Sarbreen (later to be renamed Ravens Bluff) quickly
found use by trading vessels from Sembia, Impiltur, Westgate and
Aglarond. Traders came seeking farm produce and selling fine cloth,
iron-work, locks, and weapons. The harbours became trade-stops in
addition to their established uses as pirate rest and repair stops
and immigrant-ship landing places. Men explored the nearer and more
accessible mines in the area, and prospered further.
Three events cast temporary shadows
on this time of growing prosperity. Firstly the growth of the pirate
fleets in the Sea of Fallen Stars reached a peak in the Year of
the Sinking Sails (1180 DR), when the powerful Sembian fleet was
overwhelmed and sunk in the Pirate Isles. The responsibility for
protecting sea trade across the Dragon Reach fell heavily on the
warfleets from Procampur and Ravens Bluff.
In the Year of the Black Horde
(1235 DR) the population of the Vast suffered a resurgence of orcish
raids. Some speculate that this was linked to the massing of the
orcish tribes in the Far North the biggest in recorded history.
Little more than twenty years
later, the shadow of Pestilence was cast over the Vast in the Year
of Beckoning Death (1253 DR) when plague swept across the region
as well as neighbouring Cormyr and Sembia.
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