End of a forty year Dwarven rule
rule of the dwarves was short-lived, perhaps forty years in all.
Orcs breed like nothing else on or under Faerun; they put
even hares to shame, as Elminster put it. All too soon, they
rose again, and the power of the dwarves waned.
The Dwarven Kingdom finally ended
in the Year of the Bloody Crown (649 DR) when, in a final assault,
the orcish hordes attacked on the surface and their Drow allies
co-ordinated their attack from below. The dwarves, under their king
Tuir Stonebeard, were defeated by orc bands at the fords
of the Vesper, and in the dreadful battle of Deepfires. This infamous
struggle raged though the underground ways of the mountains for
twenty days and is still remembered in dwarven laments and sayings.
One is: I feel as if my axe was broken in the midst of Deepfires,
often uttered by dwarves who are sick, depressed, or in pain.
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