Sarbreenar mourns her dead.
Most recently deceased first
All slain by
Gordon Hoakes (Merchants
Guildmaster), Basilican
Beluar Mercurus (Hanging
Judge and former Minister for Spiritual Affairs), Maladolpholous
(Sage), Sebastian
Faste (Locksmith), Jasmina
Blue (Blue Silks Trading Coster), the
Lightsblood family (Lord William Lightsblood,
Lady Hortensia Lightsblood and Sir
Joshua Lightsblood (Sentinels leader) and
Baron Huss of Xorhun.
Mavros Skilos
(Town Crier), was also killed and Caldarin
(High Priest of Lathander), committed
suicide when he heard about the sad death of Mavrosd
that so many of Sarbreenars finest adventurers had stolen.
Yale Tanglefoot
Alas poor Yale, I knew him well. Dextrous with
foot and hand but severely challenged by his runaway tongue that
got him into many a scrape. He managed to survive the threat of
outraged husbands, a degraded mayor, estranged friends, duels and
disasters, to eventually fall victim to deviltry and a cursed gauntlet.
His outburst prompted the revelation of the covert agents used by
Sarbreenars Ministry of the Interior. Angel
is dead.
A great warrior renowned for his penchant for swinging,
Talis was sucked to death by a group of stirges. Not the best way
to go but one he would have enjoyed none the less. His comrades
within CoSL will miss Talis for his ability to make them smile and
laugh with his comical slapstick routines, usually performed during
the course of a violent combat.
Talis A noble ally and friend....But it wasn't the stirges
that killed you but your lack of faith in either the Saldarine or
Lathander... May your cup remain full and may their be plenty of
ropes for you t o swing from Mythic CoSL
Oh Talis, you are sadly missed. Who will do my roofing
jobs now? We will drink to your memory in the Dead Codpiece
tonight. Angel Gabriel
Glibly Smoothtongue.
Sergeant in the 2nd Halfling mounted archery brigade,
Glibly met his maker in the name of greed. Whilst reaching into
a pool of water to try and grab a 5gp piece of quartz, Glibly was
dragged under the surface of the water by three Skrags which also
killed his dog Scampi. Scampis head is displayed as a memorial
on the walls of the CoSL headquarters. None of Gliblys remains
were recovered.
Tonto De Moore,
eccentric mage and adventurer, fell in battle leaving enormous unsettled
debts that all but brought the financial institutions of Sarbreenar
to their knees. His clock tower project, sadly, remains unfinished.
He will be remembered for his enthusiastic and unorthodox ideas
on strategy and tactics. Tontos
Trading Post remains as a testament to his enthusiastic and
unorthodox attempts at making a profit.
Jal Landrin
A charismatic elf gentlemen hired by Mercy & Malice for his
multitude of abilities, as Diplomat for the organisation. Jal considered
his friends in the faction to be the most important thing in his
life. After the sad death of Gunthar, Dove and Jack, the three remaining
members of Mercy & Malice set out to investigate cattle theft .
They encountered a Land Shark which took Dulac to his death. Invoking
a Elven battleoath Jal vowed to avenge his comrade by slaying the
beast at all costs but he did not survive in one-on-one combat.
Dulac of the Greenwood
A honourable member of Mercy & Malice and a shining tower
of elven strength.This Elven Knight was respected for his bravery
in face of danger.The Order of Equitas was founded by Dulac after
the death of Gunthar and Feylian. On a journey with his comrades,
investigating cattle problems, Dulac was struck from behind by a
Gunthar You
only Live Twice Darythan, a very well known
figure around Sarbreenar and strong candidate for the role of Mayor,
was killed while adventuring. Briefly raised by the power of Mystra
but he ventured forth again and died horribly consumed by
a shambling mound of vegetation whilst defending Jora Acacia.
Felyian Oakheart
Surdarellian, co-proprietor of Mercy and Malice. He proved
to be a true and brave defender of our City and a valiant member
of the First Elven Light Infantry. He will be missed by the poor
and downtrodden.
Raven Brightsong,
much loved Bard of the Wyverns, saved us from all the small spiders
only to be laid low by a nasty mage with attitude.
Karin the Ranger
was transformed into a mushroom whilst obtaining spores for an antidote
to save the orphans of Sarbreenar. The 1st Elven wish to devote
a suitable grove of trees to her in the city. Canon Tannvik has
offered to speed grow the trees, and Boris Hat will
settle any required financial needs.
Dugan Bluebeard,
wild and wacky mage ... a true Wyvern, he was survived by his hamster
Boom. His room in the Wyverns Hearth has now been turned into a
permanent hamster room, for Boom and his lady love Bangabang. Renamed
the Blue Room.
Jack Brandigah,
sometimes known as The Ripper. An associate of Mercy
and Malice. Fell in action.
Dave Longshanks,
another associate of Mercy and Malice, was cut down in combat.
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