The City of Xorhun
city of Xorhun is located a ong way south of Sarbreenar, across
the sea. It lays at the edge of the Halondar Valley, surrounded
by the Aphrunn Mountains to the south-east, the Orsraun Mountains
to the south-west, west, and north-west. Deep within these mountains
is the Volcano of Mount Ugruth, numerous mines and caves. Due to
its situation on a well travelled road through Turmish, linking
Hlondeth in the south to Alaghon in the north, Xorhun has become
a major trader in goods, sending out it’s wares all around the Sea
of Fallen Stars, and beyond.
Xorhun sprung up around a number of springs, and
small pools, that were used to create wonderful gardens, that have
attracted numerous races mainly elves so much so,
that the city has also been named “Correlon’s Cradle” and “Lifeblood
Falls” by the residents. Small rocky outcrops pour out water into
large natural fountains, wetting the air, and giving the city a
tropical feel, with trees, bushes and flowers filling the spaces
between the buildings. The architecture of the city has been planned
around the natural gardens, making Xorhun a wonder to live in, with
stone buildings carved into smooth cliff like structures, or hidden
away, to look like giant tree trunks.
Xorhun has an unusual effect on elves, dwarves and
gnomes, increasing their fertility rate sometimes by up to
four times the norm for their race. This has made many of these
creatures stay, and become citizens of Xorhun.
The city has welcomed this influx of people, especially
the skilled. So much so, that the main two exports of Xorhun have
become masterwork items (leather, goods, armour, weapons, wood goods,
jewellery), and magical items. The spellcasters of Xorhun are skilled
craftsmen, making myriad magic items, that give joy to their owners,
or pain to the bearer’s enemies! In order to thrive and not
to make too many enemies, they have been very careful about who
they sell to especially with magical items.
The city is surrounded by 20 ft. high walls, with
two gates breaking through the wall. Inside this wall, there is
a ring of spare ground, before another wall of 20 ft. high, and
then the city proper. This defensive wall was built after many years
of bandit attacks, with the second wall being built after the goblin
siege of last year.
The council buildings are a vast sprawl, holding
many areas store rooms, barracks, stables, a Harper safe
house, and visitors rooms. The main hall is used as the Council
chambers with overlooking balconies and a central plinth
with a horseshoe shaped table in the centre.
Groups of Xorhun
There are a number of groups of note within Xorhun.
The Council
The council is made up from a mixed group of people,
along with the leader, Huss the Half-Orc. They are:
Vargus Hettle, Male Merchant, Human
Merchant Guild Leader
Emelis Greenstar, Female Druid, Human Head Druid
Anna Corpice, Female Warrior, Human Commander of the
Xorhun armies
Alvesta Lightmantle, Female Sorcerer, Elf Spellcaster
Guild Leader
Barinis, Male Bard, Elf Performer’s Guild leader
Marvinikinus-Farvus, Male Jeweller, Gnome Craftsman’s
Guild Leader
Balorn Grazin, Male Engineer, Dwarf Engineer’s Guild
Huss, Male Ranger, Half-Orc City Leader.
After the problems with the last council, Huss removed
them all, and called for the election of the leader by the people,
who would then bring in the main guilds’ leaders to run the city.
The people of Xorhun voted in Huss first time, and he called on
the guild leaders to help him run the City. So far this new council
is working for the city, and all the people of Xorhun are happy
with this new way of politics. The members of the council all take
turns in advising Huss on matters, but his main supporter, and advisor
is Alvesta Lightmantle, his wife and friend.
The Armed Forces
The armed forces of Xorhun are led by Anna Corpice,
a 5th-generation soldier. After Huss’ election to leader of the
council, he placed Anna in charge. Whilst she may not have all the
experience of some other soldiers, she does have a great knowledge
of tactics, that have given the army a added bonus on many times,
and a ability to work with everybody she comes into contact with.
There is the normal Infantry, Shock Marines, Light
Cavalry, and Heavy Cavalry. The Light Cavalry scout the surrounding
lands, along with a team of rangers personally trained by
Huss. The Shock Marines have been built around fast strike teams,
able to be portalled into areas to strike and then leave
taking a leaf out of the goblin tactics. The pride of the Xorhun
forces are their griffon riders a crack team of heavy shock
troops mounted on griffons, based within the city. Guilds
The guilds oversee various areas in and around the
city. All have elected leaders, selected by their skills and voted
in by the guild members.
The Spellcaster guild, for example, has numerous
levels circles. The higher the number, the more power they
have, and can wield in the guild. Initiates are the basic circle
member, with Staff members leading teams, and Crown members ruling
their circle, and all below.
Huss The Ranger
After the fall of Malervik, Huss became the leader
of the Xorhun council. Once the guardians of the roads, and leader
of the militia, Huss has made the council leader post his own. The
soldiers and the citizens all respect Huss for his defence of the
city against the goblin hoards especially as he fought off
the evil forces for over three weeks, leading strike teams into
the goblin camps, and thought of the plan to get help from Sarbreenar.
Huss is a giant of a man 6 ft. 7 in. in his
stocking feet, and with a large amount of orc blood flowing in his
veins. With powerful eyes, that call for respect, Huss is a leader
from the front if he won’t do it, neither will he let his
own men. Usually dressed in dark blue leathers, Huss is a large,
strong man, willing to die to protect people, gaining the support
and respect from all his troops for his belief in what’s right and
proper. When he was offered the Sword of the Spirits, he didn’t
want it, feeling that there was someone else more needful of the
weapon, but after the mistake of Malervik, and the choosing of Huss
by the sword, he has realised that it was a gift from the Gods.
Using this weapon has freed Xorhun, and saved many lives. The sword
is now always by his side, changed from the weapon that was rescued
by the Sarbreenar heroes, to a long sword, with a blue steel blade,
and a griffon headed hilt in dark blue leather.
Abandoned in a orphanage in Alaghon, Huss was picked
on by the other children that was until he started to get
bigger than them, and he became the bully. Thrown out of the orphanage,
Huss ran off into the wilderness, where he learnt to live off the
land, and was befriended by an old ranger, who tried to teach him
the error of his ways.
But Huss wanted non of it, and ran off again, and
joined up with a band of robbers, that attacked caravans up and
down the Vilhon region. This went on for a few months, until the
band attacked a caravan of prospectors trying to kill all,
including children. Something snapped in Huss, as the women pleaded
for help from the bandits, and Huss stepped to save then, attacking
his own band, and siding with the prospectors.
He wondered about for a few more years, before meeting
up with the old ranger, who finally taught him the meaning of being
a ranger, and of the life lessons he had learnt on his way to becoming
a Ranger of Mielikki. Due to these lessons, Huss became a warrior
to protect the weak, and a better person for it. Huss then went
travelling all around Turmish and the Vilhon Reach region, meeting
many different people, and making friends with prospectors, hermits
and other groups living in the mountains.
Huss is not ashamed of his past, as it has made him
what he is today, but he does use it to make him more responsible
to the people of Xorhun.
Huss is a 19 th level Ranger of Mielikki.
Access to most magical items that are stored in the
Spellcasters’ Guild headquarters, and the Sword of the Spirits.
At any time, he will also have 3 to 5 spirit jars waiting to be
As for feats he has all the two handed weapon
attack feats, Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack, Track, and suchlike
that a warrior will need. His skills are Local Knowledge, Wilderness
Lore, and Animal skills.
Alvesta Lightmantle
Elf Female Sorcerer, and Harper
18th Level Sorcerer of Xorhun Crown of the 9th Circle of
the Xorhun Spellcaster Guild.
Alvesta Lightmantle is a proud, upright woman. Outcast
from elven society, due to her half-elf status (the non-elf half
is probably orcish), she travelled far, before settling in Xorhun
and meeting Huss. She met many people in her travels, and is well
briefed on the lands around the Sea of Fallen Stars. During these
years of travel, she travelled with a number of rangers and bards
of the Harpers, and after a couple of years, was asked to join their
organisation. She did, and found many friends, some enemies, and
lots of adventure.
She is still a active Harper, working for the Harper
cause, in and around the Turmish area, and has built up a large
network of informers and contacts throughout the region. In Xorhun,
she has set up a lower level of the Council Buildings as a Harper
safe house, guarded by magic and harpers. She is trying to gain
the trust of Sarbreenar, in order to attract more to the cause of
the Harpers from that city a city without too many harpers,
and many enemies, deep in the wilds, and near two large power houses
of harm Thay and Zhentil Keep.
After trying to find a home she was happy with, Alvesta
came across Xorhun, with it’s multi-racial council, and it’s mixed
society of magic users and craftsmen. She joined the Spellcasters’
Guild, and quickly rose to the 8th circle as a initiate.
During the attacks by the goblins, the number of
high mages was reduced, and with her ability to learn and grow and
adapt, she became the first woman to join the 9 th circle as a Initiate.
Soon after, she was given her own command, and became a Staff of
the 9th Circle.
A few months ago, the leader of the guild stepped
down, and handed the reins of power over to Alvesta. She then became
the Crown of the 9th Circle the most powerful spellcasting
position in the city of Xorhun. All spellcasters fall under her
command, and she has a place on the council of Xorhun.
The Spellcaster guild are classed as a military organisation
in times of war, and the chief duties of the guild are to investigate
new spells and items to help the city, aid the craftsmen, and advise
the council about magical matters.
As part of her duties to keep watch on various groups
outside of Xorhun, she met with many people hunters, rangers
and hermits, that travelled about in the mountains. One such person
was Huss, the newly elected leader of Xorhun, a Ranger and half-orc.
They became close, as each one found support with the other
neither judging the other about their backgrounds and family. After
months of being close, they were married 3 months ago, just after
Alvesta became the leader of the Spellcasters.
The city respect their new leader for his strengths,
and direct way of getting any job done, but they love Alvesta for
her kindness, and the forethought in how she works on the council
and ‘guides’ Huss through the political nightmare that is the city
Alvesta is 6 ft. tall for a half-elf, but
the suspected orc influence has made her taller. Thin and graceful,
bright and happy, but with a inner strength that has earned her
the moniker Smiling Death (but only by her apprentices and behind
her back!), she loves her work, and has started to steer the guild
into working with the poor and needful, by setting up schools and
other training areas. She can be headstrong, but tries to do the
best for the city as a whole, then the guild.
At festivals, the fireworks have got bigger and better
something Alvesta made sure was to happen, to increase the
influence that the guild has over the city last thing she
wants is to have spellcasters feared, and putting on displays seems
to have made the city more relaxed with magic.
Access to most magical items that are stored in the
guild’s headquarters, and her list of spells is vast what
she can’t cast from memory, she can cast from scroll or wand.
As for feats she has all the metamagic feats.
Wears comfortable robes, that are quite plain
doesn’t want to scare the public. At first glance most people take
her for a low powered mage, but if you watch for a moment, the way
she moves speaks power, and her gaze is startling and powerful (and
scary if you’re a enemy).
She is calm under fire, and tries to not be too destructive,
but if anything was to happen to Huss, she would loose it, and rain
fire down on the heads of the wrongdoers.
Her skills are mainly Knowledge, covering Local History
(of Turmish, and around the Sea of Fallen Stars), Arcana, Religion,
Music, and Law. She loves to play the Flute and Harp in her time
away from the Guild office, and can paint.
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