Tantras is a walled city north of Ravens Bluff and
like Ravens Bluff benefits from the trade coming up from Procampur.
It is a large, walled city that has recovered well from and even
prospered after the Time of Troubles. A godly battle during that
period resulted in the destruction of a large portion of the city,
and left a very large permanent dead magic area that extends from
the north of the city.
Tantras is ruled by its High Council, a collection
of local noble merchant families plus the high priest of Torm. The
Council provides and invisible government, concentrating mainly
on tariffs and merchant laws and less on the thieves guilds
and adventurers (save when they start affecting the merchants).
As a result, Tantras is a rollicking, wide-open town, with only
the more severe breaches of courtesy and law bringing in the guard.
Tantras is dominated by the Temple of Torms
Coming, the center of Tormite activity on the Sea of Fallen Stars
and that faiths largest temple. It was at Tantras that Torm
perished defending his faith in a battle with Bane, creating the
great dead magic area that lies over the northern city. The High
Priest of Torm is Barriltar Bhandraddon, and he is aided by 49 sub-priests.
Torms church is the most influential in the city, and Bhandraddon
has a seat on the High Council.
However, the faith of Torm is very indulgent toward
other religions, and there are temples of many other gods in the
city, including Tempus, Lathander, Gond, Selûne, Milil, and
Tymora, all with established priests of no less than 13th level
in power. In addition, shires to Lathander, Loviatar, Umberlee,
and Cyric dot the city.
Tantras does have an effective thieves guild,
the Grayclaws, an organisation of smugglers and thieves who tend
to prey on newcomers and those native Tantrans who have gotten gloriously
rich, smug, or unscrupulous. The Grayclaws keep a firm watch on
their member activities, so that they do not run afoul of the High
Council. The Grayclaws have to date defended their turf from various
forces, including the Red Wizards, the Zhentarim, slavers,
the Harpers, and the Cult of the Dragon.
The combination of merchant-dominated politics, light
rule, many priests, an active thieves guild, and a large dead
magic zone has made Tantras a haven for a large number of adventurers,
including those who are currently unwanted by nearby Calaunt and
Ravens Bluff. The dead magic zone is particularly good for those
on the run from wizards, and many who have offended such groups
as the Zhentarim and the Red Wizards of Thay have used Tantras as
their bolt-hole.
From the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting: A Grand
Tour of the Realms by Ed Greenwood and Jeff Grubb
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