is a small town, and exists only as a market for the well-dispersed
farmers in the area and, because of the ponds and wells nearby,
as a watering hold for caravan mounts. It is a small hamlet named
for the family that runs the local inn, the Worried
Wyvern, one of the finest inns in the Vast. The family patriarch
and current proprietor of the inn is Belior Sevenecho.
The Sevenechoes are the most prominent of several
local families that include the Scantchars, who are viewed with
mild suspicion. Much of this stems from the fact that the family
matriarch, an elderly and kind woman named Riliyyr, is an accomplished
Two local legends surround Sevenecho. The first is
that a ghost appears regularly on one of the nearby ponds. The Drowned
Lady is said to have been a traveller, who was slain by the local
boy she flirted with and then spurned. The family of the local boy
belonged to varies according to who is telling the tale.
Of a more profitable note for adventurers, a local
legend says that in the last days of Tuir the Deep King, nine dwarves,
each dwarf bearing a chest of gems, were overtaken by orcs. They
buried the gems and then assaulted the orcish hordes, fighting to
the death. Given the circumstances surrounding the destruction of
the dwarven kingdom in the area, this legend may be true.
From the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting: A Grand
Tour of the Realms by Ed Greenwood and Jeff Grubb
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