Portsoy fishing village
is a small fishing village on the coast, close to Sarbreenar. Based
around a small harbour, the village has a few homes for fisherman
and one small bar. Not much trade occurs with its neighbours, primarily
because it is so difficult to get to. Most of the fish caught by
the fishermen are eaten there, though some is exported inland. A
rarely-used trail winds north to Ravens Bluff and south to Procampur.
A trail heads east through the Earthfast Mountains to Sarbreenar.
The single track path is large enough only for a cart or travel
on foot.
Ports Soy was overrun by Zhentarim. It was used as
their supply base but an uprising, inspired by Sarbreenar citizens,
overthrew the cruel yoke of slavery and Port Soy is independant
once more.

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