Tree Hollow
onetime camping-place on the North Road is a small valley with its
own ponds, marked for years by a huge, gnarled old oak whose trunk
was as large around as many cottages. Only the rotting stomp now
remains: the druid who made his home in the hollow tree years ago
was burned out of it by a hungry dragon (perhaps the dragon that
laired in nearby Dragon Falls). Dead Tree Hollow is today a sleepy
little wooded village, known for its fiddlehead (in season) and
fem-frond soup, exotic mushrooms (much prized by gourmets around
the Dragon Reach), and its excellent wagonworks.
The Hollow also has its own treasure tale, more unlikely than most.
An elven carriage is said to be buried somewhere in the Hollow (perhaps
sunk in one of the ponds): a magical, flying conveyance from long
ago, still packed with the gem-adorned silk gowns and jewellry of
the haughty elven lady who died on it. Her bones-and those of her
guards may well lie with the fallen craft, too. They were
slain by a furious elven mage (a scorned suitor) whose spells smashed
them from the sky and then buried them alive. This happened a very
long time ago, but elves in the lands around remember the incident
because of the extreme wealth of the lady in question (she had outlived
six husbands and taken all their wealth for her own).
Adventurers still search, from time to time, for the final resting-place
of Lady Alauthshaee but be warned; the entire Hollow is a
dead-magic tone, where no spells work. This effect is said to be
the price of the reckless spells hurled by the angry elf-mage Ilthuryn
long ago.
From The Everwinking Eye: Treasures of the Vast,
Part One by Ed Greenwood (Polyhedron #88, October 1993) as revised
in The City of Ravens Bluff. 
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