under a mountain near Sarbreenar lies Cityguard. Here the ancient
dwarven Clan Hammer enclave guarded an entry into the Underdark.
They set up barriers to hold back the horrible entities that lurk

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Little was left and habitable of City Guard after
severe earthquakes but recentlythe rubble has been cleared and
many buildings have been re-erected.
The central chamber is completely circular with
ornate stone carvings on the walls which rise to a great domed
ceiling high above. A magical light gives a soft diffuse light
and originates from the ceiling.
Parts of the ceiling have fresh workings as much
of it fell down during the earthquake and has been replaced by
Arkel and a team of stonemasons. The floor of the chamber was
paved but the ceiling rockfall destroyed parts as it fell. They
are renewed with fresh paving.
In the centre of this chamber is the High Temple
of Clangeddin. This temple has ornate steps leading up to a large
set of double doors emblazoned with heroic scenes depicted in
platinum and gold. The structure of the building is made of white
marble. Its size is vast with a large domed area in the centre.
The main passages
From the central chamber, four wide corridors lead
off. They have high, curved ceilings. They go north, south, east
and west. Each corridor is cut short by a set of ornate double doors
which can be locked and barred from the inside.
Beyond these doors are large chambers. The doors enter
centrally and have space either side of them. The room extends a
further distance from the doors. A similar sized passage leads of
to the left and right of the doors curving away to enter into all
the rooms.
The four key areas
The four areas between the spokes have been developed
for distinct uses. Living area / Troop Barracks is the first, the
second is Storage/Provisions, the third has been cleared for a Training
ground, the final area is where the Derro first entered the city
and where there is now an entry into the Underdark. Defensive fortifications
have been built up around it and a guard is always on duty. Each
of these areas have an entry point onto the main chamber, the rim
and each main hallway.
The only two known entrances into City Guard are from
Drakes Perch and from the Underdark. There is a long passage
that leads to a staging room below the temple. The city lays deep
below the surface within the left most edge of the peak directly
south of the Marble Quarry.
As to the tunnel between Drakes Perch and City
Guard it is of fine dwarven design and has several guard
posts as well as dwarvish stone traps that can be operated from
the secure positions in times of war.
The passage itself takes about a day to traverse,
and where you find guard posts there are also areas to be used for
resting and camping.

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