at the juncture of the High Trail (connecting Ravens Bluff to Sarbreenar)
and the trail connecting Ravens Bluff to Portsoy (locally referred
to as Ravens Bluff Road), Burrowbluff is home to just over 500 inhabitants.
The populace is comprised of mostly halflings and gnomes, sustaining
themselves on an agrarian economy. The village exports some of the
food it produces to Ravens Bluff. The coast of the Dragon Reach
in this area is very rocky and rough; compounded by a pounding surf,
this makes landing a boat or even swimming quite dangerous, which
suits the villages populace just fine.
Burrowbluff is ruled by a council of elders, whose
speaker is an old gnome by the name of Kiernan Goristantagonistiglianzo.
The extremely ancient-looking Kiernan has held this position for
over 20 years. In a few exceptional instances throughout the decades,
the council has bestowed the notable title of Friend of Burrowbluff
to heroes who have performed a great service to the village. A
Friend of Burrowbluff is never forgotten by the village.

The Bluff
Located five miles to the southeast of the village,
Burrowbluff derives its name from this escarpment. The Bluff is
broken cliff between 40 and 50 feet high, near vertical in some
places. After searching for several rounds, a suitable place for
climbing can be found (+20% to all climbing attempts).
The Happy Belly Inn
This establishment, run by Roger Happybelly, is a
good place to rest and is used as a gathering area by the locals.
Roger is quite jolly, talks quickly, and laughs often. He appreciates
having adventurers stay in his establishment, knowing how free they
tend to be with their gold. Roger is often known to proudly proclaim
that his kitchen is of a quality to challenge the best in Ravens
Bluff. Such boasting is well-founded, though not even The Happy
Belly Inn is on par with The Worried Wyvern in Sevenecho or The
Wizards Hand in Maskyrs Eye.
From A Small Threat (1996) and A Small Problem
(1998) by Cisco Lopez-Fresquet
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