Pirates Ahoy!
My companions:
- Jotan aka 'Pub Boy' - half elven cleric of Tymora
- Mythic - elven mage/rogue
- Gabriel - human cleric of Tyr
- Sonella - human peacewoman of Eldath
- Darwin - human ranger (of Selune)
- Taican - human fighter (Tempus)
had been quiet for a while & I was just settling in to the city, despite
finding out that Karin had been killed (well, turned non-recoverably into
a mushroom then harvested & put into a potion for the healing of the
children at the orphanage - that sort of thing passes as normal round
here.) Everyone was being very kind, & I met lots of people that had
adventured with her.
Jasmina had put up notice for a job to collect some imported silks from
PortSoy. If I wanted to go into business here I was going to need to join
the merchant's guild first, so I needed to earn some money... The boat
we were to meet was the Merry Maid, under Captain Hogarth. We'd been given
a horse & cart, rations for five days andbe paid 1000gp between us.
We got to PortSoy without incident & went into the Crow's Nest Inn.
Later we went to see the Harbourmaster, Mr Maradon, who told us about
a problem he had currently: someone had tried to bribe him using holed
silver coins with runic inscriptions.
The boat that the arrested sailor came from was obviously from a long
way away. Mythic explained to them in elven that their captain had been
arrested. They sorted out his release & we chatted to them for a bit.The
Merry Maid wasn't in yet - probably a couple of days late because of the
weather, so we went shopping in the market, & I had a good chat with
Sonella, telling her my history & why I'd come to Sarbreenar. She
was very understanding. Still no sign of the ship by evening so we went
to our beds at the Inn.
woke us up a couple of hours before dawn, to tell us that the Merry Maid
had been sighted adrift in the channel. There were apparently no signs
of life. As soon as people started moving around at dawn we got hold of
a rowing boat & headed over to the ship. We could hear sounds and
fighting and see movement. As we went up the nets we noticed skeletal
figures aboard. They pulled Darwin over the side. The clerics quickly
dealt with the skeletons, leaving the top deck clear apart from us &
the bodies of the poor sailors. We went to look at the aft deck, &
could see two wraiths moving around down the ladder.
for the time being we went to the other aft door, & in the Captain's
room examined the last entry in his log book, which indicated that crew
had been going missing: this was about a week ago.Back down the aft ladder
& the wraiths were quickly dealt with. Behind another door we could
hear the clinking of chains & some low moans: then suddenly the ship
started moving, towards a reef! I got up into the Crow's Nest to try &
see more, but was thrown from it into the water when the anchor dropped,
bringing the ship to a sudden shuddering halt. We went back down to where
the other noise had been, to find a Vampire and some Zombies. Several
of us were bitten by the Vampire, but we sort-of won the fight - the Vampire
appeared to teleport out, & as she did so she looked straight at Sonella
& said "I'll be back."
now appeared that the ship was starting to sink, so we got the silks off
quickly into the boat, and also searched around where the Vampire had
been. She'd dropped a letter extending an invitation for her to come to
Sarbreenar and also one of the Doommarker things I'd seen before. We got
back into the boat before the ship sank, but even as it did it appeared
to be moving off ... We got back to Sarbreenar uneventfully after that.
1373DR (Spring 2001)
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