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The Battle for XorhunWe were given a King's Feast before the battle, which magically bolstered our ability to fight and our toughness, and made us immune to poison and magically induced fear. The intelligence we were getting said that there were redskin goblins, drow and possibly a Lich involvedon the enemy side. Vega, Jean-Neve, Anghil, Edlaryth, Darwin and me formed up and marched out towards the goblin's fortress, in the vanguard of the army to engage a wall of redskin goblins that were coming towards us, joining up with Krakov Greataxe and some of his Myrmydons. As we started shooting them, Anghil flew off to scout, leaving Hawk sitting on Eldaryth's shoulder. We heard Ninevah shouting from somewhere that the Sisters were in trouble, so predictably Vega ran straight off to help them. Switching weapons, we went into melee, Krakov making a great big mess aorund him very quickly. The next wave came in but then quickly backed off, some of them apparently carrying something. Their tactic was that they were throwing Greek Fire at us, but it didn't have their desired effect. Once the smoke from it had cleared another wave of redskin goblins charged, although this lot looked harder. They definitely were, although that didn't seem to affect Krakov's kill rate much! Other sections of our side seemed to be having much the same effect, so that the goblins eventually fell back into their fortress and slammed the doors shut! The Xorhun mages started throwing all manner of magics at the doors and the fortress, but while this was happening some giants and other creatures came at us tfrom the enemy's flank. One hill giant came for Jean-Neve but we flanked and quickly dropped it in one attack sequence. Another came and the same thing happened to that one too. Then a shout went up that we should attack the wall, and we ran up a ramp to the top.
The sky darkened as many wyverns flew in to attack, spitting acid at us. Krakov had finished off the giant and was working on the Retriever, but we were hearing shouts that our left flank had gone? Then we saw Anghil flying over to the left flank with Vega on his back, and the Xorhun mages disintegrate the demon portal. We seemed to have them on the back foot now: the goblins and the wyverns were all falling back a bit, and we had the wall pretty much to ourselves. Anghil, Vega & Ninevah came in to help with the melee, with some not-very-hard goblins. Anghil trashed a load of them with a wall of fire, and Krakov finished the wyvern off. Ninevah left again. The gates were destroyed and we all piled into the courtyard through the gates and down the walls. We rushed over to the door we wanted to take and started ploughing into the goblins in our way, aided by a lightning bolt from Anghil. Eldaryth mooned at them a bit, which might just have put them off their attacks. As they fell back again there was a rockfall, and we had some time to take stock. Anghil told us there was a Deep dragon around that had put him unconcsious, but that Boris had killed it. We waited, ate, and healed ourselves up while waiting for the rubble into the caverns to be shifted. Anghil & Vega left us. Grukush the half-orc druid (and generally nice guy) joined us. Then after a while a chant went up and the rockfall 'fell' upwards to open up a tunnel into the caverns. We charged into a huge gateroom, and again Eldaryth started mooning around! Unsurprisingly the goblins found it a tempting target to aim for! We went into melee, but amongst the normal goblins there was an insubstantial figure dressed in rotten clothes - Darwin shouted that he thought it was a goblin wight. When Darwin thought he'd hit it it turned out that it was only an image - the real one was just behind, so the others wnet into melee with it, Krakov taking it down. I could see large white figures further back in the caverns, but not exactly what they were. As they came nearer they turned out to be massive skeletons - Eldaryth dusted several, and I got ready to shoot with my Fey Bow. Lady C joined us as we readied to go into melee. Then suddenly Samien from over the other side was illuminated with a bright light, and all the undead in the cavern were destroyed! Our joy was short-lived though as the rumour went round that ths had killed him... We fought through more goblins towards another chamber. Again Eldaryth mooned, and this time got a Searing Light up his backside for his trouble! The shaman responsible was on a ledge, and Krakov went flying off to engage him. the rest of us were in melee with goblins, then we heard the thud of 4 hill giants coming towards us. Eldaryth commanded one to 'fornicate' - the unfotunate created started meaningfully towards Krakov, and was summarily gelded for his trouble! We quickly cleared the cavern. At that point I decided that if I ever manage to open an Inn like I've been thinking of, it's going to be called The Gelded Hill Giant - could make for rather a fun picture on the sign! Krakov ordered us back to the main cavern to receive new orders. We found out that there had been some drow involved but they'd been killed. We were directed to another cavern, past lots of dead goblins and hill giants. Further in there was a cavern with hard-looking goblins in, only 15' wide, so Krakov, Jean-Neve and I went in front. Grukush conjured some rats to snap at their heels while we quickly dealt with them. After a short rest back in the main cavern we were reassigned further in. Here there were some undead-looking goblins, possibly ghouls? Eldaryth sent most of them running away, so continued down a narrow corridor, arriving in a huge cavern with lots of goblins and some more hill giants. Other troops were converging from other entrances. From the enemy's side there were shamans and some sort of demonoid thing, a Barghest. The goblins were saying "you will not get past us to the leaders." We quickly killed the shaman nearest us. Darwin was transported by the barghest across to the other side of the cavern, then it flew up into the air. The giants were throwing rocks at us then came into melee. Samien floated into view - alive! - briefly, dismissed the barghest, then wafted away again. Eldaryth sent one giant into fits of laughter, distracting it while Jean took it apart. The enemy then seemed to be making a run for it - we killed lots as they retreated. The battle was over! Lord Huss of Xorhun addressed and thanked us all. Then Basilican, Arkul and Joshua Lightsblood appeared through the portal we'd come through initially. They said that in our absence Sarbreenar had been attacked by Drow! and that we needed to get back straightaway to defend the city. We heard from talking to others that at Xorhun there'd also been about 40 drow that had portalled out to escape. There had also been fire elementals, and barghest other than the one we'd met. There was a fair amount of loot (1000gp each) that we were able to take from the scene. After consultation betwen ourselves, we invited Grukush and Darwin to join he 1st Elven. I'm glad to say that they both accepted. 1374DR (Sarbreenar Lives 2002)Return to the index of Natashas Chronicles I City I Citizens I Region I News I Streetalk I Rules I Search I Home I |
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