Bound Books Library of Oghma and Denir in the Gardens of
getting lost, words escaping you, fed up fumbling with those cumbersome
scrolls? Perhaps you are lost or confused, or simply don't know
where to start? Use Rysoks Book Binding Service.
We can ensure that your books are safely bound in
a variety of materials, common, unusual or exotic*.
Rebind your books so they may be used for another hundred years.
We can create a book with all those scrolls, safely bound into a
single volume. We can restore old volumes to a pristine state and
translate texts and magical scripts.
Lost and confused? We can assist in finding that missing
volume, we also provide research to trace records or information
about Sarbreenar and its locality, or further a field oreven
another Plane.
* Unusual
book binding materials are subject to availability, quality and
decency, and may affect price of bindings.
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