Rustledawns Art Emporium
Art gallery, workshop, teaching area and living
quarters for Pferro.
Gallery: (14'x16')
This section of the shop (Area 1) takes up
most of the interior, containing several shelves, stands and displays.
On these are displayed various works of Art created by Pferro and
gathered from all around the Realms. Most of these items are for
sale, for reasonable prices. Pferro often tells his customers that
part of the proceeds go towards an Art Foundation*
which he is starting up.
Workshop: (8'x8')
This semi-private area (Area 2) is set in the
back of the building. Here is where all the work is done. Set apart
from the teaching area by a curtain, this is where Pferro sculpts
his major projects and his more delicate work. Work in progress
includes a portrait of Angel Gabriel.
Teaching area: (20'x8')
Beside the Workshop (Area 3) there is the large
teaching area. This is where Pferro teaches new students in the
ways of sculpting and appreciation of Art in general. This area
can be viewed by a shuttered window from the gallery.
Living quarters: (9'x12')
After a hard days work, Pferro finds there is nothing
better than to recline in his own private quarters (Area 4).
Doubling as a design study, this is the room in which Pferro works
on early sketches and mockettes.
Current stock in shop:
Bust of Yuri Landrin (SOLD to Vega Zyblez, awaiting
Original full scale version of Sarbreenar fountain (Boris the Hat
Highharvest Celebratory Goblets
Action pose, diorama set of wild animals statues (brown bear and
2 mountain lions)
Work continues on new artworks. Ideas are constant
and the supply of rock is plentiful.
Shop Assistant and Trainee:
Valrye Trisuel (Val-ree Triss-yool) Valrye
met Pferro on one of his long journeys. Finding each other equally
fascinating they immediatly found they had very similar interests.
Pferro mentioned his plans to fund a building for a museum and art
classes. This caught Valryes attention and she was amazed
that two people could be so in tune. Pferro offered to show her
the world, she gladly agreed and made her way back to Sarbreenar
with him, whilst making stops along the way to take in the great
sights across the Vast.
Taking Valrye under his wing, Pferro now has a young
assistant to run the shop for him whilst he is not there, and a
budding pupil to study alongside him as well. Valrye is a human
of medium height with dark brown hair and striking green eyes. She
is in her early twenties.
Pferro Rustledawn lecturer, master-sculptor
and painter
Building reference 90
The Sarbreenar Art Foundation*
This charitable organisation deals with the beautification
of Sarbreenar. The foundation is, naturally, headed by Pferro. It
will take donations from willing persons. With this money the Foundation
will work on repairs to damaged buildings, and areas that need to
be reworked. Money shall be donated directly from the Art Emporiums
profits and from other sources.
Some of the proposed actions to be taken on by the
Foundation are; repair work on the North Wall, plus extending its
range. Also, creating a large mural running along its length. Further
projects include reworking the temples within Sarbreenar and a new
theatre for Sarbreenar.
Proposals have been made to enlarge the current Art
Museum, which at current times is situated within Pferros
workshop/home. The museum will in future be the headquarters for
the Art Foundation, but this is currently not high on the agenda.
The major priority is for the North Wall, to build and extend its
limits whilst also creating the largest piece of art within the
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