Fur and Firkin
MAY seem an unusual combination of trading lines but Mermedacs
family connections in Ravens Bluff serve as a source of supply for
wines and he regularly sends shipments of furs there. That means
a very efficient use of transport.
Mermedac buys his furs from a number of trappers,
but does not restrict himself to his regular suppliers. If you have
furs to sell, and either visit his store, or mention this in any
of the inns or taverns of Sarbreenar, he will welcome your trade.
He is well known in the inns and taverns, and makes sure that any
staff who pass on details of people with furs to trade are rewarded
Mermedac no longer takes his wagon of furs to Ravens
Bluff in person, instead he employs commercial drovers. Although
this may reduce the profits slightly, it avoids him having to see
the site of his first wifes death. He pays Charlie Carter
to run a wagon each month to Ravens Bluff, carrying in furs, and
the fur-lined outfits that his second wife, Branwyne makes. The
caravan brings back wines bought from his family there. He supplies
wines to the inns and taverns of Sarbreenar, not to the public.
Proprietor: Mermedac.
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