EVERa city needed a good fire service its Sarbreenar. The
city has a long history of destruction by dragons, giants and goblinoids.
Someone has to put out the fires! Sarbreenars Inferno Regulators
is a tightly run team of specialists who use every facility at their
disposal to keep the city safe from the flames. The Fire Chief is
a female gnome named Tinkerbell Tenderly.
Tinkerbell Tenderly Chief of Sarbreenars
Inferno Regulators
seen one gnome youve seen them all! Small, dark-skinned, big
nose, lively by nature and this one is prone to the giggles. Tinkerbell
usually wears bright yellow clothing and a floppy yellow hat.
The Chief has been in the fire
service as long as anyone can remember. Certainly before The
Time of Troubles and the last siege. Without her capable firefighting
skills even less of the town would have survived.
She knows the entire old town
inside out, and spends most of her waking hours walking the new
areas so that she is aware of the availability of water, any access
difficulties and particular high-risk areas. If the fire gong is
sounded her acute sense of smoke detection (using a larger than
normal gnomish nose) often gets her to the fire scene before her
appliance. This appliance is of a standard Gnomish design involving
a pump operated system that is controlled by an Unseen Servant
and replenished with water by either the spells of Lenore Greenfingers
or found with the Chiefs divining skills. She usually directs
the fire fighting from a high vantage position achieved by a Levitation
spell. A Phantasmal Force is used to warn onlookers away
from danger.
She has a magic warhammer called
Screamer for the obvious reason that if it is touched
by anyone else it will bring the house down. She always carries
a Potion of Extra Healing.
The Chief is assisted by
Leading Regulator
Ordinary Regulator
Bessie Broadback
Ordinary Regulator
Greentop and Hybiscus Minor Assistant
acting temporary Regulators
Leading Regulator
She is the Deputy Chief . She
is a dwarf and as old as the hills. Shes now finding it a
little difficult to get around. She joined the fire service over
30 years ago after her husband died and is soon due for retirement
if this new penny-pinching bunch of teenage louts on the Council
ever bring in some decent benefits. Its a job but shed
rather be setting up that little gem shop shes always wanted.
The punters round here are easy marks!
She still isnt used to all these green skinned gobblies of
Mielikki prancing round the town. Still, Clearwater is not too bad,
shes actually been taught his language in the last year.
"Cant stand those
thaumaturgiwhatical gewgaws, says Rigella, A good steel
axe blade in the back of the head cures all combat problems.
Thats right, she hasnt any (magical items or problems).
Clearwater Ordinary Regulator
Clearwater the goblin is a follower
of Mielikki and aspires to her priesthood. By her special dispensation
this could actually come to pass. He is also a citizen of Sarbreenar,
so woe betide any visiting, drunken mercenary who tries to do some
gobbly graunching, as the Watch will be fitting him/her
up for a bit of paddywhacking down the local nick.
Hes boning up on some
proficiencies; Religion under the tuition of Basilican Beluar
Mercurus, and Spellcraft with Lenore Greenfingers. Hell
soon be there he hopes. Fighting the fires is ok for a living but
oh how he wants to go out and convert his fellow wild goblins to
the way of Our Lady of the Forest.
Clearwater is small and green.
He wears the symbol of a Unicorns head facing sinister
on a green background embroidered on a white jerkin that comes
down to his knees. You really cant mistake him.
Bessie Broadback Ordinary Regulator
Bessie hasnt been adventuring
since she first trained over 30 years ago. Lived in a hole with
her halfling family until about ten years ago when the Troubles
started, the hole got burnt out by a passing flame breathing something
or other (she never found out what it was), and she ended up in
Sarbreenar. Never carries a weapon or wears armour, and she isnt
too sure now which is the working end of a club. If she was ever
specialised in a weapon shes completely forgotten it now.
But shes fairly nippy running round the rafters in a burning
building looking for people to rescue.
Small (3 ft 4) only a little
plump, and very, very hairy round the legs. Always wears tanned
deer skin jerkin and breeches, and a jolly little yellow hat with
a red bobble. She does her job, keeps her nose clean and is learning
line dancing in her spare time.
Greentop and Hybiscus Minor Assistant acting
temporary Regulators
Greentop and and his one legged
twin sister, Hybiscus, are goblins with great potential for advancement
in the service of Mielikki as a speciality ranger or ordinary priest
(see Faiths and Avatars). At the moment theyre learning
the skills of firefighting. For goblins they look pretty neat and
Hybiscus is certainly as keen
as any other member of the Sarbreenar Inferno Regulators but she
has never been seen approaching the blaze itself. At the scene of
the fire she frantically hops around helping the Phantasmal Force
to put up yellow tape to hold back the crowd. Her expression of
panic does very little to calm the public and more often than not
she manages to tie up spectators in the barrier tape.
Poor Hybiscus was badly hurt
in the fire that occurred during the Razing of Sarbreenar.
She lost a leg and it has since been replaced with a wooden one.
As if that wasnt bad enough, she later found out that the
wood came from a barrel of oak aged spirit from Krakovs distilliary.
The shock of the loss of her limb turned her to drink and the strong
smell of the spirit soaked leg is a constant temptation to have
a tipple.
Hybiscus mortal dread
of fire led her to volunteer as a fire prevention officer, but she
cant bring herself to actually approach the blaze itself.
Other members of the team tolerate her hysterical behaviour because
she uses her clerical healing skills so effectively on any injured
victims of the fire. Anyone smoking in the vicinity of Hybiscus
can expect a soaking!
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