Diamonds House of Lavation
can be a dirty business, and to wash away the grime of the quest
there is no finer establishment in Sarbreenar than Diamonds
House of Lavation.
The newly rebuilt two-story, white-washed stucco building which
houses Diamonds is located next to the Temple to Sune in the Temple Gardens of Enlightenment. (The old building was gifted to the City of High Haspur to placate them for an unfortunate diplomatic incident.) The front face of the building is painted with a colourful
mural that depicts people enjoying themselves at the edge of a lovely
tree-lined lake while dancers and musicians entertain about them.
Above the entrance to the establishment is the name of the place,
painted in the same colourful style as the mural.
The House of Lavation is owned and run by Jerawin
Diamond and his sister Aletha and the House has a quiet, meditative
atmosphere in which to cleanse the body and thoroughly relax; unruly
visitors are not welcome.
Diamonds has both public and private baths.
For the basic fee (which is reasonable, but higher than one might
expect), customers receive the use of a cubicle to store their belongings,
tea (served in an elegant room), and complete access to the public
bathing area. Moderate additional charges are levied for a massage
or use of private baths. If a client requires an additional cubicle
for his or her belongings, there is another low fee.
The extremely dirty and visibly verminiferous are
strongly encouraged to take a private bath before using the public
bathing area; if you refuse to do so, at the managements discretion,
you may be denied entrance to the House. Males and females may bathe
together in the public baths, but rowdiness or crude behaviour of
any sort is not tolerated and offenders will be asked to leave immediately.

Diamonds hours of operation are roughly from
early morning to about 10:00pm at night. It is possible to rent
the entire bathhouse for private use, but the fee for this would
be very high.
Standard 1gp
Private Bath 3gp
Massage 2gp
Additional Cubicle 1gp
Entire Facility p.o.a.
Proprietor: Jerawin Diamond and his sister Aleth
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