Crops and Tops
for all occasions. Whether you need a shave, a trim or a completely
new look, Crops and Tops can serve your needs. For those who want
a perfect coiffure everyday without a visit to the barbers we have
a fine selection of wigs and toupees. They are all made from the
finest human, dwarf and elven hair.
Crops and Tops, the barbershop and wigmakers are located
on Stone Street (D7). It is a one-story building that has a wooden
mock up of a wig hanging from each corner of the roof.
The barbershop
Inside there are two chairs for customers to sit on
facing a large steel mirror which is securely bolted to the wall.
The rest of the wall space is devoted to Havraks collection of portraits.
They range in size from a few inches across to a large life sized
one of his wife Grella as she looked when they married.
Although Havrak suffers from rheumatism, he has never
nicked or cut one of his customers, which makes him extremely popular,
especially with the male followers of Sune and members of the Watch
and Guard.
As well as offering a haircut, he also offers a range
of herbal remedies for everything from stomach cramps to headaches.
These are supplied by Latte of Herbs and Spices, and are sold on
a commission basis.
The wig shop
The wigmaking business is set in the rear half of
the premises and is operated by Grella on her own. It is a simple
set up, containing a table and a stool, as well as several dummy
heads for modelling the wigs. Grella uses the clippings from her
husbands business to make the wigs. She also visits the horse market
and animal traders for hair as well. She leases the wigs out as
well as selling them, to cater for the poorer section of the community.
Havrak Truebright the barber
Havrak Truebright is a human and stands approximately
5' 2 tall. If he were able to straighten his stooped back
hed stand 5'7". Approaching pensionable years, Havrak is a
former adventurer, wielding sword and shield with skill. He also
had some success as a security specialist, though he doesnt
like to admit this fact. Wispy grey hair forms a halo around his
wrinkled head and gnarled hands, the result of rheumatism, peep
out from his shirt sleeves, which are always worn open.
Havrak has a penchant for collecting small portraits
that he takes delight in showing off on the walls of the small barbershop
he owns and runs. He has been married to Grella for nigh on 30 years
to date and they are both still very much in love.
Grella Truebright the wigmaker
Grella is also human, standing 5'8 tall. She
can be best described as generously plump, the result of having
to eat Havraks share of the food while he was out on his many
adventures in his younger days. She has extremely nimble hands and
always peers at things as though she has a squint, though in truth
she has very good eyesight. The squinting is due to her work as
a wigmaker, using the clippings from her husbands business
to make her wigs.
She normally dresses in plain clothing, wearing an
apron during working hours but on the rare times they are seen in
local taverns she likes to dress in fine clothes and always wears
a different hairpiece each time.
Havrak and Grella Truebright
Map co-ordinates D7
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