but by no means least are the Citizen Militia units, sometimes known
as the Call to Arms. The Militia is split into three
Companies each organised as copies of the First Elven Lights
each with its own Commander. Only the High Council can stand
to arms any or all of these Companies.
Composed of the able bodied citizens of Sarbreenar,
these units bolster the First Elven Light. They man the walls and
moat defences in the event of a major attack on the city. During
the defensive action the Militia Commanders will be under the command
of the First Elven Light either the Captain of the First
Elven Light or the Guard Commander. All citizens are required to
attend at least two of the four Militia Training days each year.
The only exceptions to the call up are for those who hold council
positions and senior guilds-men and women.
The Main Barracks
This building is divided into quarters, surrounding
a parade ground (Drill Quad), and can comfortably bunk 100. There
are also a number of offices and private quarters for non-commissioned
and commissioned officers. There is a large kitchen, and dining
room, weapons vault, and safe vault plus storage rooms, stables,
several latrines which complete the main complex. The jail is situated
underground, beneath the drill parade ground.
Drakes Perch Keep
This houses the majority of the First Elven. (Members
of the Honest Watch also has a small contingent.) It
is able to comfortably bunk over 350. Drakes Perch Keep is used
for the training days of the New Sarbreenar Guard including the
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