and Jora’s
of the finest iced confectionery.
Try these new iced fruit and cream confectioneries
A selection of Fruit Flavoured creamed ices including Rosehip, Elderberry
and that old favourite – Dandelion and Burdock.
A selection of crushed ice flavoured with the juice of summer berries.
Dwarven Ale flavoured ices for our shorter, hairier customers. Free
beard-bib with every purchase.
Ice House
With the permission of the High Council of Sarbreenar
and the help of a gang of dwarves, Ben and Jora have dug out an
ice house underneath their premises. Members of the Mages’
Guild were commissioned to cast arcane magic upon the fabric of
the building to keep it extra cool in the summer months.
Now, Ben and Jora gather ice from the surrounding
mountains during the Winter and store it in their Ice House ready
to sell throughout the hot weather.
Jora Acacia and Ben Vatchley
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